Unrelated discovery
Other, unrelated.
I found (using the InterWEbs) a way of having figure captions included, more or less, automatically. Figures are numbered sequentially in a page. Unfortunately, there is no mechanism within Docusaurus to use cross-references and anchors for these. So, if you reference them within the page. i.e. See Figure 2., you still need to manually check the cross-references are still valid when creating or editing a document.
There is this CSS added to src/css/custom.css
body {counter-reset: figures;}
figure {
border: 1px solid darkgreen;
padding: 2px;
figcaption {
counter-increment: figures;
font-style: italic;
figcaption::before {
content:'Figure ' counter(figures) ': ';
So, now you can use <figure>
and <figcaption>
in your markdown file as normal:
<figure id="fig-capt">
<figcaption>A figure caption</figcaption>
And it renders like other images seen in this document.
You can link to the image like the next inline link anchor, if using id
in the <figure>
A figure to demo.
It's pretty good but needs some more effort on the CSS styling.